There's Something Magical About Kansas City

9/11 was happening as I was packing to move to Kansas City 14 years ago.  I knew that I was making a good choice, although I couldn't quite put my finger on the reason why.  Don't get me wrong, I was in a relationship that brought me here, as they own a retail store and that made moving a no go for them.  But there was something more, I had outgrown my hometown.  I was restless and bored with what life was offering me there.  My immediate family & closest friends were there, and that was really my entire reason for being there. 

In my book that's not enough of a reason. I want to be pushed out of my comfort zone, inspired by my surroundings, and connecting with new and interesting people.  Kansas City brought this opportunity to my doorstep.  Being forced to relaunch my business in a new town at a time when the economy was pretty shut down was quite an adventure.  I guarantee that a financial advisor would have recommended I go get a job, and now!  But I didn't, I stuck to my dreams and desires and I found that the people of Kansas City rose up to support them as well.

I have been here for 14 years and I see now that Kansas City is the biggest "little city" you'll ever find.  This interconnectedness is exciting for me.  I went to a celebration last week and was amazed by the number of people I knew, the opportunities to meet people I had heard of but not yet met, and a delightful couple who recently relocated from London introduced themselves as well. 

Moving to Kansas City was one of the best decisions I ever made!

Live Your Heart Out Loud!

                                                                         Phoenix                                                                         Kansas City Coach, Shaman, & Teacher

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